Wednesday, June 14, 2006


Winter in Sydney

I was definitely caught off guard here. Having only visited Australia in our (U.S.) winter/Australian summer, I had no idea it got cold here. It's currently about 8 degrees Celcius, 45 degrees Fahrenheit and I'm freezing...I know, I know, nothing like NYC winters, but it is pretty chilly.
While there isn't much of an Autumn here (most trees are evergreens and those that lose their leaves don't really change color, they basically just die), a few trees do make it feel like it's Fall...I captured a few on Monday on yet another public holiday..."Queen's Birthday." Any excuse in Australia for a holiday.
I actually had the flu last week and Monday was the first day I felt well enough to get out and enjoy the also rained all last week, so I hope you're enjoying Spring/Summer in The States (I hear it's been pretty hot). I'm sorry I've been so bad at blogging lately...I'll try and keep up with the times and minimally post a picture from time-to-time!

Yes, I know, yet another picture of the Opera House, but I was walking back from North Sydney across the Harbour Bridge and I thought this view was interesting with the sails from the restaurant in the forefront.

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